Sunday, April 6, 2014

The turning point for Haman.

The whole plot of Megillat Esther is set up in such a conplex way that it had to have actually happened. Everything that happens in the Megilla works out and fits together perfectly. For example the time when Zeresh suggested to Haman to ask the king's permission to kill Mordechai because he was so fixated on him. In the meantime Achashverosh is looking through his book, where he writes down everything that happens around the kingdom, to make sure Esther and Haman were not plotting against him. He was paranoid because this was right after she invited him and Haman to her first party. 

Remember, Achashverosh was looking in his book to see if there was any significant information about Esther and Haman teaming up on him. He was not looking randomly and out of nowhere found the story of how Mordechai saved his life. He asks Haman how he should honor such a man, and Achashverosh finds out two very important things.

The first important thing, is that Haman wants to take over the king's position, and eventually become the top of the kingdom. Haman thought that Achashverosh was honoring the king, so he said all the elements that he would like to be honored by: riding on the king's horse, wearing the king's garments, and also his crown. This is the turning point for Haman where everything gets worse for him because the king is now against him, and the Jews rise higher to the top. 

Firstly, he has a stronger belief that Haman's intentions are to kill him and take over because he is lurking outside of his palace at night. This is very suspicious to Achashverosh. This idea is also strengthened by the fact that Haman wanted to be honored by basically "being" the king. 

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