In the Rav groomsman article, they were based on deeper ideas and themes of Megillat ehster, that Rav Grossman came up with, which were:
1. The attitude towards monarchy: surface is achsevarsosh is so powerful that everyone follows by him, he's in control. The depth is "dat"- the reality is that the king had no real power and needed to rely on his advisors for everything. G-d's in control as opposed to the human king.
2. Attitude towards women: surface is that women are lower class citizens who are possessions and are controlled by men. The depth is that women are the protagonists in the story and the catalysts for action.
3. Attitude towards honor: surface everyone's seeking honor because with honor comes power. But the depth is if you look deeper the honor brings that it's not real power comes from the external honor of rank your given.
4. Attitude towards fate: surface is this happens by chance and reaction. And the depth is that"coincidences" can be explained by with G-d "pulling the strings."
5. Attitude towards G-d: surface he's not their- there's nothing Bout G-d. most secular people no mention of G-d. We appreciate the miracles that G-d does for us. The depth is that everything is controlled by G-d we have to seek him.
Worldmask/ Rav Dessler's idea: Is that G-d's name is intentionally left out of the megillah to teach us that we have to seek him out even when he is "hiding." The "coincidences" are written in such a way that we dont actually see them as coincidences but rather as the hand of G-d. So too, in our own life, when we no longer have revealed miracles (Har sinai) We have to reveal the mask ad find G-d.
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