Since מגילת רות does not tell the story of שבועות like other מגילות tell the holidays we read them on, it is sometimes hard to incorporate the מגילה into what we do on the holiday. On שבועות we have a big focus on doing מצוות that bring us closer to Hashem, like learning תורה. Obviously learning תורה is an extremely important מצוה to do especially on the anniversary of when we received the תורה, but when we incorporate מגילת רות more into the holiday, we add a whole new layer of מצוות.
When we first meet בעז he isn't doing anything to help his relative נעמי. He isn't doing anything horrible wrong, but he also isn't doing anything good. Later, he meets רות and is amazed by the wonderful things she does. רות also explains to בעז that he needs to redeem her and after that, we see בעז change his life a bit as he acts with kindness.
Personally I think this shows how great of a couple בעז and רות are, because she is able to help him and bring out his great qualities. Even though they were a couple, and all couples can look at them as a role models for a good relationship, you can also use this lesson to bring out the good in many people.
In addition to the מצוות we do on שבועות that bring us closer to Hashem, we can look up to רות and do מצוות that bring us closer to other people in out lives. When you do things for other people, you may not even notice how your actions are helping them become better people too.
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