Sunday, February 2, 2014

Who is this mysterious Gever?

In Megilliot class this week, in perek Gimeel we heard about this very strange character the Gever. The Gever is described as a self absorbed character, who is in pain and is suffering. The Gever is angry and so he is blaming G-d for everything. Were not sure if we know exactly who this "Gever" character is. There are these two different aspects of the Gever. The first one is Rashi and the second one is the Ibn Ezra. Rashi is saying that it's yirmiyahu who wrote the book of Kohelet, because he uses phrases that yirmiahu wrote, and he experienced it. The second interpretation, is the Ibn Ezra, who represents every man.

There are different sections in perek Gimmel. The sections are:

 א-יא- Feels like a very trapped, walled up, stuck, depressed and a chaotic place.

יב-יח- The Gever seems like he is caught up in everything, and his conclusion is that he is done with G-d.

יט-יכ- The Gever is remembering all of the pain that his soul suffered.

כא-לט- Hashem has the ability to act with Chessed, and mercey- Be merciful
           What am I about to say that will give me reward- Sense of hope
            Hashem is good to those who hope in him, and have faith in him, G-d can be good.

כז-ל- The Gever is thinking that maybe it is good to suffer. If it is deserved.

לא-לט- G-d doesn't afflict man to be spiteful or cruel. G-d does bad things to man, when man sins.

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