Monday, March 24, 2014

Achachverosh the Hypocrite

Achashverosh was a strange guy. At first glance, he seems like a great and all-powerful king. However, upon closer notice, this seems like a facade. He made rules that he couldn't break,  tried to assert his power, had quite an ego, and made rules when no rules were necessary. Sounds like a control freak, right? One would think that he just needed the ultimate say. However, other actions of his seems to prove this theory wrong.

Achashverosh gave Haman his royal signet ring and told him to write a decree that pleased him concerning the Jews. He also  needed to consult with his advisers every second, because he doesn't seem like he can come up with an idea himself. He makes rash decisions and is controlled by his emotions. Under the surface, it becomes clear the Achashverosh wants people to think he is super-powerful, but in reality he isn't. It sounds like he has an inferiority complex, and Freud would go so far as to say that he strives to be all controlling because he feels like he isn't actually powerful and doesn't want people to catch on to that idea. He's acting so people don't discover what he's actually like! This explains all the crazy and unbreakable Da'at of the kingdom; there are precise rules and orders that must be followed, or else. Extreme order (to the point of it being ridiculous and out of order) must be kept so that people never suspect his true nature. Go figure!

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