Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Who is מורדכי?

        Before learning מגילה with Mrs. Perl, one typically thinks that מורדכי is a huge צדיק, one of the most amazing men in Jewish history. In the text (so far at least) we don't see much evidence of his greatness. We do however have a lot of proof from מדרש, but now we are learning the מגילה with clear minds and no previous knowledge of ester. I'm not denying that מורדכי was a great צדיק but where exactly does this idea come from? 
        At this point in history, the Jews are suppose to be in Israel, but unfortunately they are in שושן which they have replaced Israel with. In their current location it is easy to acclimate into the secular society and loose your Jewish identity. Sadly, this is whats happening. מורדכי, our צדיק, is part of this too. He goes by a Persian name (Marduk), he is known as מורדכי היהודי and we could say that his parents gave him the name, he did';t pick it, but he does still seem to be a bit assimilated. 
        Could it be that we see מורדכי in such great light because he was great compared to everyone else, who were completely assimilated? Was he like נח l  ? ט. אֵלֶּה תּוֹלְדֹת נֹחַ נֹחַ אִישׁ צַדִּיק תָּמִים הָיָה בְּדֹרֹתָיו אֶת הָאֱלֹהִים הִתְהַלֶּךְ נֹחַ:  Who was a righteous man in his time. 
        מורדכי doesn't seem to be like this. It was written that an איש יהודי would save the Jews and bring them back to Israel. There is a strong belief that this man is מורדכי. If so, then מורדכי has huge potential, that he seems to be neglecting, as he is still in Persia. We know that Hashem only gives people potential that he knows they can reach.
        If that is מורדכי's true destiny than first of all, why does he lecture אסתר about her destiny to save the Jews from Haman which is possibly why she is queen (that's a whole other topic) second, if he doesn't reach his potential than why is he still seen as this awesome man? Assumable this widespread idea of מורדכי being this amazing person would not exist with out proof. Unfortunately I don't know the answer yet, but I hope to find out soon so I can solve this mind boggling mystery. 

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