Since I first heard that we were going to be learning Esther I was very excited. Before we could begin learning it, we talked about what was going on at the time of Esther. In 538 the Persian empire becomes the ruler. Cambyses says that the Jews can come back and rebuild the Beit Hamakdash. Then we had a discussion on who Achoshvarosh was.
There were many fimiliar sounding names that had been translated into Hebrew. It was very interesting to learn about these rulers, but from a different point of view. Considering that I had just done a project on Darius the Great and Xerxex, I found this discussion very interesting.
It is very cool to see ideas we learn about in certain classes manifest themselves in others. Also, identifying Jewish history with world history and finding the connections between them are always fascinating. I am looking forward to both the new ideas we will see throughout the megillah and taking a different perspective on those we have already learned.