Monday, March 31, 2014

I honestly cannot decide which is weirder!

  I honestly have to say that this is by far the most interesting and unusual Megillah I have ever read. There are so many different aspects to the Megillah that just contribute to making it so weird. This week I noticed two things that I found were so unbelievably strange, it kind of seems like they were made up! I had a little disagreement with myself. I honestly could not pick which one was weirder.
Okay, in the Megillah we learned that Achashverosh could not sleep so he started to read his book of memories. The reason Achashverosh could not sleep was because he had a fear that his wife, Esther, and one of his highest official's, Haman, were plotting an evil plan against him. He was looking through his book of memories to see if there was anyone he could trust to find out details about the plan. Achashverosh then remembered Mordechai, an honest man who saved his life in the past who was never rewarded. As all of this was going on in the middle of the night, Haman comes walking up to his palace. Haman came to ask Achashverosh if he could kill Mordechai just as Achashverosh was thinking of praising and honoring him. Wait, what? Was I the only one confused about this? Haman just randomly came to Achashverosh's palace in the middle of the night!! And he came to destroy the person that Achashverosh was just thinking about saving?!? I found this really weird but some might even think it gets weirder.
    We then discussed that Esther said that she wanted to kill Haman because he made a dcree to kill her people. Achashverosh left the room for a second then when he came back Haman was on top of Esther. ( We do not know why, which is kind of weird also, but that is besides the point.) Achashverosh was enraged that Haman was on top of Esther and did not know what to do with himself. We then hear about this man, Charvona, who just chimes in and says that Haman built a 50 ft gallows to hang Mordechai. Achashverosh then hung Haman on the gallows he built. I had the same response when I read this as I did to when I read the thing above. My response was, " wait, what?" I mean, honestly, I do not think anyone finds it normal and usual that this random man Charvona just happened to be there and reminded Achashverosh of the gallows Haman had previously built.
I cannot pick which one is weirder, but I am curious to hear what you think. Which one do y'all think was weirder? 

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