Wednesday, March 26, 2014

     Last week we learned the conversation between Esther and Mordechai. Their roles reverse and instead of Mordechai telling Esther what to do, she takes charge. In the beginning of Perek 4 it says that Esther did not know about the decree that the Jews would be killed, but she knew that something was up. Modechai sent Esther the decree that was sent as evidence so that she would believe him. Mordechai tells Esther to show Achashveirosh the decree that Haman sent out in his name. We would think that Esther would do what Mordechai says because she has always listened to him in the past. But, she makes someone go back and talk to Mordechai again. Esther says that she cannot go to the king without being called or else she will be killed unless the king decides not to. She had not seen Achashveirosh in 30 days so she thinks that the king is not interested in her anymore. Another law... This also is showing us how foolish the laws are because they can be changed easily.
     Mordechai tells her that she is going to die anyways if she does not go and she should not think that just because she's in the palace, she will be saved. He also tells her that if she doesn't save the Jews, someone else will and that it is not all up to her. She shouldn't think that she is in control of if the Jews live or not, but if she does it than she will fulfill her destiny. Mordechai convinces her. Esther tells Mordechai that the jews need to fast and she will fast as well.

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