Monday, November 4, 2013

Losing Faith

If I told you that the נהנה would ever lose faith, you would say I was crazy! In the beginning of the book the נהנה was the man who believed that G-d was definitely there, but man has no responsibility for his actions. How could a person who believes wholeheartedly in G-d lose his faith within a short 5 perakim?

To tell you the truth, the נהנה was influenced by the other 3 characters and mostly the חכם. I think that we have all lost faith at one point whether it be from something little or something tragic that has happened to you.

About a month and a half ago I lost my grandfather. He had been sick for a very long time, but when he was nearing the end of his life, I had never prayed harder in my life for him to get better. When the day came that I found out he was going to pass away, of course I prayed, but I knew what was coming and I lost a little bit of faith in G-d. I had prayed so hard for the past 3 years, and how could G-d not listen to me. I sat on my couch the night that he passed away and cried my eyes out shouting, "how could You do this, he didn't deserve to die yet." That was the hardest week of my life and I'm not going to lie I lost a little bit of faith.

Even though I didn't lose all of my faith like the נהנה, it is hard to be sad and not understand what G-d does.

1 comment:

  1. Sophie, as you already know, I am so sorry for your loss. :( On Fall, one NCSYer gave a D'var Torah in which she talked about this precise issue. She talked about moments when we daven so much and with so much concentration that we are sure that G-d will grant our wishes. However, sometimes G-d's answer is no. I guess the final lesson in this is that faith can be strengthened through tragedies. As you know, my family has been going through a massive hardship since I was four years old. Although my family members have had problems with faith in G-d, I see this "tragedy" as G-d's will. I strongly believe that we are not given challenges that we can't overcome. I know this is hard to accept in the midst of a tragedy. Don't get me wrong -- I totally understand. Sometimes, reflecting on a situation in life just takes time and patience.
