Sunday, November 24, 2013

No worries, G-d has it Under Control!!

         G-d is in complete control of this world, and no one else. G-d is the Ultimate ruler! Man is not accountable for his actions. Man is suppost to have a Partnership with G-d. And Man must do his part to make the world a better place. It seems like Man dosen’t really have to do anything in this world, excepet for eat drink, and Enjoy! But man can’t just sit back and relax and watch what bad things happen, and it just occurs. Man has to put an effort in, in everything that happens, little or small. It is Very hard to ignore responsibility, and just to party. Death is also hard to ignore. Man dosne’t know in this world when a person’s death is. The only thing that we can actually really do is Enjoy the World, because it is all from G-d. 

         Both the Amal and the Chcham come about the world and they think that effort/wisdom will help improve the world. The Nehena, Man can’t control Nature (earthquakes, tonadoes, volcanoes etc..) and so can man not control his death. You Can’t save yourself through actions. The wise Man thinks that No one care’s or litsens about what he has to say or does. 

        Everyone has the same Fate, and will never know what will happen to you. You look into this world and you can see all the evil and wickedness that man does. In this world people do evil, and sin. People Don’t recognize that they will be judged. Ultimately, Everyone will be held accountable for thier actions, of what they do, and we have to relize that it is all from G-d

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