Monday, January 20, 2014

Happiness and Beauty Stems from the Inside

Has anyone ever told you that internal beauty and happiness is more important than external beauty and happiness. Well, I have and I personally live by that statement. It is not that any of us, aren't beautiful or happy on the outside, but I think that it is completely what is on the inside that counts more. If you have a happy and glowing personality, and not such a beautiful external appearance, I will most likely love you, because internal beauty makes a person.

Last week, we explored perek bet of Eicha, and took a closer look at Yerushalayim's internal struggle. Mrs. Perl pointed out that the difference about this destruction, is that Yerushalayim was destroyed from the inside out, not the wall in, like a usual destruction would happen. Her people were starved, and killed. The inside was angry and eventually empty. All that was left were the walls of the city, but nothing to fill them with.

When I heard this, all I could think of was that most of the people's sins before the city was destroyed, were internal. Meaning, they were punishing themselves by worshipping avodah zara, and listening to false prophet. They did it to themselves, they knew that they were sinning, but internally couldn't come to the point to admit to it, and that led them to destruction.

When people are ugly and regretful on the inside, but are too afraid to admit it, it can destroy them. Yerushalayim used to have so much internal beauty, but one thing went wrong, and the whole attitude of the city was turned upside down. We must be careful of what we do, because it can disrupt our internal beauty any point, even when we are least expecting it.


  1. This is a great idea sophie! People's internal actions, perhaps like their mental health, can really affect them on the outside, (perhaps their physical health.)

  2. This is really interesting Sophie! I never thought that this idea could be applied to the ספר. Their sins, which were internal, ultimately led to their destruction.

  3. How do you think of these things? This is so true. It all matters what's going on inside. The Jews were sinning from the inside, so Hashem had to destroy them. Every little action that we take can change our internal.
