The start of these Pesukim are Yerushalaim fighting back asking G-d how could He do this to her? She says in Pasuk 20: Look! who else have You done this to before? Because of what You did, G-d, the mothers are forced to eat their children. This is the state we are now in. You did this, G-d. How could you kill these innocent people like you killed the priest and the Navis.
Before, we saw that Yerushalaim said that she sinned, and she was accountable for that. She recognized that she had sinned and that it's her fault that there was all this destruction. At one point, she said that she would no longer talk and she was done. Now she is coming back and pouring out all the anger she has onto G-d. She's turning the situation around and now it's Yerushalaim's anger towards G-d.
Yerushalaim takes the worst thing ever out of this situation. She mentions how the innocent children are being eaten by their mothers. Before, she said how the children were dying of starvation. The innocent children fainting in the streets because they have nothing to eat. Here, it's so much worse. It's like she is saying before I tried to talk to You and show You how horrible this situation but it didn't work so I'm going to make it sound worse. Now, I'm telling you that things have gotten so bad that mothers are eating their own children. You need to fix this, it's all Your fault that this is happening.
In Pasuk 21 she says: You G-d, You were killing all Your leaders, but at the same time the young and the old, maidens and young men have fallen by sword. You slaughtered them on the day of your anger. You slaughtered them with no mercy. In Pasuk 22 she says: You declared a day of celebration by gathering all my enemies towards me. No one escaped, no one survived.
She is saying why couldn't you just hold the people that were accountable for their sins? Why are You killing at the young, innocent people too? Here, she recognizes that there was sin involved. That it was sin that caused this all to happen. She is still going off at G-d saying how could you kill all the innocent people? She is saying that there were people who should be punished because they did sin, but just to stop killing all the innocent people.
I think He destroyed the whole nation because if the leaders were corrupt then most likely the majority of the people were corrupt also.