Sunday, January 26, 2014

Relating to the Newtown Incident- Do not read if you are in a jolly mood

This week we were so fast in our learning and we knocked down two passukim! ( Well kind of, but techinally 1 1/2 because we did not finish reviewing the third one.) Since we did not finish Perek Gimmel completely, I am just going to focus on Perek Bet.
Well anyways, in Perek Bet in passukim 1-10 the Mikonen explains the destruction of the city and the Beit Hamikdash that was done.
In 11-12 Yerushalayim herself speaks. She is so devastated and heartbroken that she just gives a short one in those two passukim. She explains how devastated she was and she cannot cry anymore because she has already cried so much. G-d took the lives of innocent children who did absolutely nothing wrong. She has to stop talking after because she is too upset.
In 13- 19 Yermiyahu speaks again. He first starts off by going through everything that went wrong for Yerushalayim. He then acknowledges her pain. Lastly, he encourages Yerushalayim to cry to Hashem again and talk to Him herself.
In 20-22 Yerushalayim gains the strength to talk to Hashem. She is so angry and heartbroken in this section. The reason why she is so upset is because Hashem's anger did unimaginable damages. The anger caused women to eat their own children, young and old men to die, and no one was spared and no one escaped. This is the ending of the Perek.
Personally, I thought reading this was so sad. A huge question that came to my mind was How could women eat their own children? Even if they were starving, wouldn't the common thing be to just die of starvation. Instead they actually ate their loves, their family, their innocent children. Although this is so horrifying and sickening, I think that this raises even a bigger question. Why did the children deserve to get killed? What did the innocent children do?
Sadly, hearing about the young children being killed has not only been heard of here. Turn on the news and watch for a little bit. It breaks my heart to think about how innocent children even these days are killed for no apparent reason.  I remember last year going on twitter and seeing the trending hashtag, #PrayforNewtown. After I did some researching, I heard about the shooting that took place in the elementary school and the innocent students that were killed. I was shocked. I was speechless. I honestly did not understand and I still do not. They were elementary school students just going to get an education. They were not people who murdered others and brought the world horror. Just your average innocent child. I hate to talk about such a depressing topic and I know this extremely heavy and heartbreaking but when we learned about the innocent children being killed in class I immediately thought of modern times. I immediately thought of the news and various awful stories about innocent children. I especially thought of the Newtown incident. Yet again I apologize for this depressing article but I think it is important to realize that these issues, sadly, are even common today. So incomprehensible and so awful, but as they always say, G-d has a plan.

1 comment:

  1. I remember reading about the shooting during class (oops, sorry!) and wanting to just curl up and a ball and cry. I couldn't stop thinking about it all day. The news was on when I came home and I couldn't bring myself to turn it off. I climbed into my bed and sobbed for a long time. Those poor children. Their lives ripped away from them at such a young age for no reason. It's insane. It's terrible. There are no words. And a situation like that is why I hate when people say everything happens for a reason and that G-d has a plan. There's no way for us to understand what that could possibly mean. But hey, if someone is satisfied with that answer and it helps them cope with terrible tragedy, then great. That explanation just isn't a comfort to me.
