Monday, January 20, 2014

Relapse of Yerushalayim?

In the first perek of Eicha, we learned that, despite what the Mikonen originally thought she would say, Yerushalayim did come to the realization that what happened to her was her own fault. She understood that all her problems were not because  her friends left her, but because of her own actions. These so-called friends were really her enemies, and she just didn't realize that all along, which caused this issue. She was going along with a crowd that was a bad influence. She was incredibly sad still, but in the end, she asked God to punish those who have wronged her.

At the end of that perek, we left with a feeling of progress. Yerushalayim came to her senses. She made the important realization of her guilt and our class was satisfied that even though she was distressed, we had passed through  this chaos and were now on our way to bigger and better things.
It  now appears that we have all been deceived.

At the end of perek bet, we heard back from Yerushalayim. She was again filled with intense sadness and emotion, how we left her before. No progress was made concerning that aspect; in fact, she seemed to be unable of feeling any more emotion towards God at one point because of emotional detachment. Yerushalayim, that crier of all criers, would not shed a tear. This, it seems, is a huge step backwards. - Yerushalayim seems to have severed ties with G-d- this is bad news. She then states that God removed the soul/ life from Yerushalayim and helpless infants, comparing herself to an innocent being. Then she begs the question: God, how could you kill innocent beings like Yerushalayim and helpless infants, who have obviously done nothing wrong?

Um, can you imply that you have done nothing wrong? Didn't we just go through pesukim in perek aleph describing all the things that you most certainly did do wrong? What is going on here? Did she forget? Is Yerushalayim having a relapse of sorts? What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I had the same question Emma. How could she be so angry, calm down and come to a realization that it was her fault, and then become angry again. It may be because eat first she sees that she was destroyed and was left lonely and she recognized that this was because of her sins, but when she saw that her children were being punished as well, she did not understand why and was angry at G-d for the destruction of her innocent children.
