Monday, October 28, 2013

Are We Allowed to Act Like G-d?

While on the past NCSY Shabbton, our theme was V'ahavta L'reacha C'mocha-Love your friend like you love yourself. All weekend we learned we have to treat our fellow Jew the same as we would want to be treated.

Friday night, we learned that Avraham stood by his tent waiting for an opportunity to do chesed. We looked further into it. Then we discussed whether or not Avraham was doing the wrong thing by wanting and waiting for chesed to come to him. We learned that its not at all like that. Avraham sat ther because he was making something of everyday. He was giving himself a purpose.

I think we can really learn something from what Avraham did. He sat there waiting for an opportunity to come where he could help someone else. He sat there everyday trying to make everyday count. Showing that he was put on this earth for a purpose.

It's important to not let yourself turn yourself away from the world. You need to search for your purpose. I think that the Yiraei Elokim had a good point when he said it's about the journey, because in reality it is. When you find your purpose and make something out of your life, you can actually get somewhere.

Then on Shabbat day, we learned about chesed and that you should always be ready to do chesed. Then I got confused. We discussed that we are supposed to act like G-d in a way that we emulate his actions and "feelings" we learned that G-d works in a way of chesed. I thought that seems like it would be correct to be able to act like G-d in the way that you act with kindness. I guess typing it out, it makes more sense. I always thought when we said in class that we couldn't be like G-d in any way, you meant just you cant want to be G-dlike in the way that you are perfect. When I heard it I was confused for a while, how are we supposed to act like G-d in any way?

G-d doesn't want us to be like him, he wants us to be the best we can be. It seems as though He wants us to live up to the potential. If you act with chesed and give to others while also following the commandments of G-d this is what it seems that He would want from us.

1 comment:

  1. Are we supposed to act like G0d in any way?- I think that it is important for us to try to strive to do good deeds like G0d does for us. It is like a child who wants to be more like his father. At that age he is never going to be anywhere close to his father, but it is important for him to do so to learn how he is supposed to act when he is older.
